Prevention for: Professionals, Businesses, and Worksites

Prevention for Professionals 

Businesses also suffer from the effects of tobacco. 

Tobacco use causes employees to miss work more often due to sickness, and makes them more expensive to insure. Each year, smoking deaths cost businesses $97 billion nationwide. The Surgeon General has said that smoke-free workplace policies are the only way to eliminate secondhand smoke exposure at work. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating a building cannot prevent exposure if there are still people smoking inside the building. Workplace smoking restrictions, which are legal, can also encourage smokers to smoke less, or even quit. 

Tobacco Free Worksites 

Tobacco free workplace policies not only protect workers from the health dangers of secondhand smoke, but they result in a more efficient work environment. Using the Worksite Tobacco Policy Index to provide technical assistance to worksites and for pre-post assessment of policies, we can identify strengths and weaknesses in existing worksite tobacco policies and identify steps needed to strengthen policies. 

Comprehensive, enforceable tobacco-free worksite policies that are clearly communicated provide many benefits to employers and employees, including: 

  • Positively impacting the health and well-being of employees and clients 
  • Lowering business costs for employers 
  • Reducing the negative impacts of secondhand smoke 
  • Providing for a more efficient work environment 
  • Lowering insurance and worker’s compensation costs 
  • Promoting no-cost live and virtual cessation services designed to increase the likelihood of successful quit attempts 

Tobacco Free Adagio Health can assist your worksite with: 

1. Resources and Technical Assistance: sample policies, policy writing and policy strengthening assistance, free NRT assistance, a sample press release to notify the general community and media. 

2. Cessation: A Tobacco Free Adagio Health specialist can provide cessation classes to your employees to quit tobacco at your worksite. 

We work with your company’s wellness committees and organizational leadership to craft policies tailored to the needs of your business. 

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