Support For You

We all go through struggles in life. Adagio Health and our partners are here to provide support, not judgment. In addition to medical and nutrition services, our team offers mental health support and counseling, and referrals to partners who specialize in substance use or opioid use disorders affecting women, pregnant women, and people in rural communities.


Hope Starts Here:
Support for Opioid Recovery in Rural Communities

In need of additional support?

Connect with a member of our friendly team. Click here or text SUPPORT to (888) 618-6601 for a simple service request form.  You can also call us at 800-215-7494

If you are in a crisis situation, please call 911 or 988 right away.

Additional links, phone numbers, and local resources are listed below.

Pregnant and in need of services? Let’s get you connected with compassionate care.

You CAN detox safely while pregnant. These care providers can help, with no judgment. 

Pregnant and want to quit smoking?  These counselors can help. 

Family planning on your schedule. Birth control providers and more.

Not safe at home?  These service providers can help you right now.

Feeling overwhelmed about – everything?  Let’s get you connected with support and care navigators who can help. 

Consortium Member Sites

Rural Communities C.A.R.E (A Consortium for Acceptance, Recovery, & Empowerment)

With funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, Adagio Health is leading a multi-county consortium focused on the prevention of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).  Members of Rural Communities C.A.R.E (A Consortium for Acceptance, Recovery, & Empowerment) consortium include Adagio Health, Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion County Drug and Alcohol Commission Inc., Butler County Human Services Drug and Alcohol Programs, Carlow University, Lawrence County Community Action Partnership, Lawrence County Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc., Pregnancy & Women’s Recovery Center- Franklin, UPMC Insurance Services Division, and Venango County Human Services. 

Help when you need it most.

 Have questions or aren’t sure which location to visit? Call 1-800-215-7494 to speak to a member of our friendly staff!