Our experienced team is ready to provide the care you need.
Meet our Butler Medical Staff
Cindy Walter, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
Cindy Walter, CRNP, has been providing exceptional care to Adagio Health Butler patients and clients for 30 years. “I really enjoy working for this company, and I am excited to see us continue to grow and offer more services. I am very committed to my patients, and I believe every patient deserves respect and care.”
Same day appointments or telehealth visits are available Monday through Friday at Adagio Health Butler. Call 724-282-2730 to schedule your appointment now! Our services include: family planning, birth control, STI testing & treatment, tobacco cessation coaching, gynecological care, PrEP, care for men, cancer screening, and our Adagio HealthCheck adult health care basics. We accept most insurance, and many of our services are available at NO cost to patients who qualify. You’re welcome here!