USDA Farm to School Grant awards Adagio Health Power-Up Program 99K

Adagio Health pilots farm to school programming to increase access to local produce at PPS

Pittsburgh, PA (August 7, 2023) – Every year, the United States Department of Agriculture awards Farm to School grants across the country through the Patrick Leahy Farm Grant Program. In Pennsylvania, Adagio Health is one of three organizations awarded this competitive grant and is set to receive $99,750 for implementation of farm to school programming in Pittsburgh Public Schools.

With the support of existing partnerships through PPS, Grow Pittsburgh, and the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, Adagio Health aims to help students gain access to fresh, local produce through salad bars featuring food grown in school gardens. The project will also include the installation of 3-compartment sinks to serve produce, and the building of compost systems to safely dispose of food waste from cafeterias. Power-Up will provide nutrition education and farm to school promotion in classrooms, empowering students and school communities to make healthy choices. The project will span from August 2023 to June 2025.

“Adagio Health is excited to dive into this opportunity to further grow partnerships with Pittsburgh Public Schools, Grow Pittsburgh, and the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council and champion farm to school engagement in the region,” said Ruth Bender, Adagio Heath’s Power-Up and SNAP-Ed Director. “Students and school communities will be involved in getting the food in their salad bars to grow from seed to plate and address food waste through composting, which all connects to gaining food systems knowledge and expanding food justice.”

According to the USDA’s press release, $75 million has been awarded through the program since its inception in 2013, helping 25 million students in 59,000 schools.

The Patrick Leahy Farm Grant Program, “also provides a pathway for more children to achieve nutrition security, which is the consistent and equitable access to healthy, safe, and affordable food essential to optimal health and well-being,” the USDA states.

Adagio Health’s Power-Up program serves over 15 counties in western PA, supporting wellness committees, early childhood centers, garden support, food insecurity screenings, teacher trainings, physical activity projects, and more. Adagio Health is also a “Cooking Matters” partner, which is multi-session course that teaches individuals on meal preparation, grocery shopping, food budgeting, and nutrition. 

To learn more about the Power-Up program, visit