PROTECT & EDUCATE YOURSELF! These sexually transmitted infections are spread by unprotected oral, vaginal, &/or anal sex; OR contact with skin, bodily fluids, or sores of an infected person.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Call me BV for short. Although my actual cause is still unknown, an imbalance of vaginal bacteria sometimes brought on by douching, not using condoms during sex, or new or multiple sexual partner(s) can increase your chances of getting me. You can expect me to cause an off-white vaginal discharge with a fishy smell or nothing at all. I increase your risk of getting some other STIs.
TREATMENT: Treatable with Antibiotics
I’m one of the most common STIs and affect people under age 25 at a high rate. Most women and men who catch me don’t have symptoms so they don’t know they have me and infect other people. I can cause serious problems like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID – scroll down to read about PID), infertility, and tubal pregnancy. Women under age 25 and men who have sex with men (MSM) should be tested at least yearly for me.
TREATMENT: Treatable with Antibiotics
Genital Warts
I’m caused by certain strains of HPV (scroll down to read more about HPV). I look like small, flesh-colored bumps that cluster together at the opening of the vagina or anus or on the penis and sometimes itch. There is a vaccination available to help prevent me.
TREATMENT: Treatable with prescription creams, surgery, laser, or freezing procedures.
Does the CLAP sound familiar? That’s my nickname. Men who have me may have burning when they pee and yellow discharge from their penis. Women usually don’t know they have me. Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at high risk of catching me. Women under age 25 and MSM should be tested at least yearly for me. Like Chlamydia, I can cause serious problems, like PID, tubal pregnancy, and infertility.
TREATMENT: Treatable with Antibiotics
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1 & HSV-2)
I can be spread by touching another person who already has me, even if the person has no symptoms; this is called viral shedding. You can also become infected by touching one of my sores or the body fluids of an infected partner. After my first infection, I may come back from time to time in the form of small clusters of sores.
TREATMENT: This infection persists for life, BUT antiviral medication is available to help decrease transmission to partner(s) and to treat outbreaks.
I spread through blood or bodily fluids of infected individuals, through shared drug needles, and/or from mother-to-baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. In my initial stages, I can cause severe flu-like symptoms. Treatment is important! Without treatment, I am the virus that can lead to AIDS.
TREATMENT: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Medication
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
I exist in 40 different strains that affect the anal and genital areas, some causing warts, the others causing pre-cancer and cancer. There are vaccinations for some strains and there are medications for removing warts caused by me.
TREATMENT: Vaccination for some types, medication for warts
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
I am usually caused by untreated Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. I cause infection and inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and/or the ovaries. STI screening and early treatment of infections can reduce the risk of developing me so get tested regularly.
TREATMENT: Treatable with Antibiotics
I am spread by blood and bodily fluids of infected individuals and/or through shared drug needles. I show symptoms in 4 stages:
1) Primary: single, painless sore that lasts 3-6 weeks
2) Secondary: up to 180 days after the first sore I cause skin rashes, lesions in the mouth, vagina or anus
3) Hidden Stage: this is caused when someone does not seek treatment and shows no additional symptoms
4) Late Stage: this stage is dangerous and can cause damage to internal organs, including the brain.
TREATMENT: Treatable with Antibiotics
I go by “Trick” and most of the time people (especially males) don’t know I have infected them. When my symptoms do show up it is usually in women and I can cause vaginal discharge that might be a yellow-green color. I am spread by unprotected sex, so the best way to prevent me is by using condoms during sex.
TREATMENT: Treatable with Antibiotics
Preventive methods (like condoms, vaccinations & STI testing) keep you safe from getting and spreading STIs. Come see us, we can help!
**The information listed above was provided by a resource of the Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC).