Adagio Health | Dating Violence Prevention Program

Dating Violence Prevention Program

Encourages self-reflection and dialogue regarding dating and building respect in relationships.

The overall goal of the DVP program is to prevent teen dating violence by fostering a community of support that provides consistent and comprehensive education and awareness to the issue of teen dating violence. The DVP program includes middle and high school youth, combined with trauma-informed support from healthcare and social service providers, attentive and informed parents, and engaged community stakeholders.

Educational efforts with youth in the New Castle School System takes place through the delivery of a series of 10 classroom lessons based on the book Can I Kiss You?  from author Michael Domitrz and The Center For Respect.  Can I Kiss You?  is an in-depth look at the realities of relationships for teens and young adults with a focus on understanding the importance of consent as it relates to sexual intimacy.  The book and the companion curriculum use candid advice, real-life scenarios, and interactive exercises that emphasize self-reflection and dialogue regarding each person’s approach to dating & building respect in relationships.  These exercises and activities also work help youth address the realities of sexual assault in today’s culture.

Click here to view our Know The Signs webpage, including links to resources and information on teen dating violence prevention.