Suicide Prevention: Know these myths and facts

September is Suicide Awareness Month. At Adagio Health, Behavioral Health Clinicians are available to support you and connect you to resources if you are thinking about suicide. For immediate help, call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

From 2021 to 2022, suicide deaths increased in the United States by 2.2%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s important to know the myths and facts about suicide to help your friends and family the best.

The following myths and facts are credited to Prevent Suicide PA, an organization that supports those who are affected by suicide and provides education and awareness to the community.

MYTH: Those who talk about suicide don’t do it.
FACT: It’s important to listen when someone brings up suicide. Most people who have attempted or completed suicide have talked about it or given clues about it happening.

MYTH: There is nothing to do if someone is suicidal.
FACT: When someone contemplating suicide is confronted with professional help, kindness, resources, and support, they are likely to not think that suicide is an option.

MYTH: If you talk about suicide or ask if someone is contemplating suicide, you will give them the idea to kill themselves.
FACT: Most often people will be grateful to know that you care about them to ask if they are suicidal, especially if you have noticed warning signs. It’s important to know that checking in on someone does not mean it gives them the idea to kill themselves.

MYTH: Only professionals can prevent suicide.
FACT: Everyone can help prevent suicide. Whether you are seeking help or checking in on a friend, family member, or coworker – know help is available and you’re not alone.

For more resources, check out Prevent Suicide PA’s resource page.

Watch “Behavioral Health: The Expanding Need,” a Better Health Outcomes Speaker Series hosted by Adagio Health with experts in the field.